With both of us completely immersed in our motion picture sound careers, it was natural for us to start every family dinner with stories from the trenches. In these stories we found common challenges but none were so prevalent as the high heels and how to deal with the loud click clack sound they make. We would curse the inventor of the troubling shoe and couldn’t believe there was literally no solution for this common problem. Problem solving, luckily, is one of the main traits we share and that in itself compelled us to create “Silent Steps.” Frustration and complaining finally led to action when enough was enough. Making time to develop the product was no easy task with our busy schedules but a fix was long overdue. Through the ensuing hours, months, and then years of trial and error with our combined knowledge and Peggy’s drafting expertise we succeeded in creating the perfect product. We would like to thank all those “Desperate Housewives” who willingly became our test group. Now being sold around the world…it seems we are not alone in our excitement over this product. In the end it’s a pleasure to start our family dinners with happy stories from consumers all over the world, putting the high heel horror stories to rest in peace….and quiet !! shhhhhhhh……….

for those who feel the need for more info, check us out below